1. Introduction to Java
- Overview of Java: Learn about Java’s history, features, and its importance in the programming world.
- Setting Up Environment: Install JDK and set up an IDE (like Eclipse or IntelliJ).
2. Basic Java Syntax
- Hello World Program: Write your first Java program.
- Variables and Data Types: Understand different data types and how to use variables.
- Operators: Learn about arithmetic, relational, and logical operators.
3. Control Flow Statements
- Conditional Statements: Use if-else, switch-case statements.
- Loops: Implement for, while, and do-while loops.
4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Classes and Objects: Understand how to create and use classes and objects.
- Methods: Learn about method declaration, calling methods, and method overloading.
- Constructors: Use constructors to initialize objects.
- Inheritance: Understand the concept of inheritance and its types.
- Polymorphism: Implement method overloading and overriding.
- Encapsulation: Learn about access modifiers and how to achieve data hiding.
- Abstraction: Understand abstract classes and interfaces.
5. Advanced Java Concepts
- Exception Handling: Learn about try-catch blocks, multiple catches, and custom exceptions.
- Collections Framework: Understand ArrayList, HashMap, HashSet, and other collections.
- Generics: Use generics to create type-safe collections.
6. Java Input and Output (I/O)
- File Handling: Learn how to read and write files in Java.
- Streams: Understand byte and character streams.
7. Java Concurrency
- Multithreading: Learn about creating and managing threads.
- Synchronization: Understand thread synchronization and inter-thread communication.
8. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- JDBC Basics: Connect Java applications to a database.
- CRUD Operations: Perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on a database.
9. Java Web Development
- Servlets: Learn about Java servlets and their lifecycle.
- JSP (JavaServer Pages): Understand how to create dynamic web pages using JSP.
10. Spring Framework
- Introduction to Spring: Learn about the Spring framework and its core features.
- Spring Boot: Create standalone applications using Spring Boot.
11. Project Work
- Mini Projects: Work on small projects to apply the concepts learned.
- Major Project: Develop a comprehensive project to showcase your skills.
12. Interview Preparation
- Mock Interviews: Participate in mock interviews to prepare for real-world job interviews.
- Resume Building: Get guidance on creating an effective resume.
The Java Development Training at Yess Infotech provides a comprehensive pathway for mastering Java programming. Starting from fundamental concepts and basic syntax, the roadmap progresses through advanced topics like Object-Oriented Programming, Java Concurrency, and Spring Framework. By incorporating hands-on projects and real-world applications, this training ensures practical understanding and skill development. Additionally, the course includes interview preparation and resume building, equipping you with the necessary tools to enter the job market confidently. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, this structured training is designed to help you achieve proficiency in Java development.