We are the best IT Training and Placement Institute in ,Pune.We provide all IT Training for freshers as well as for working professionals. Also,we provide wide range of trainings.We consult our students for career opportunities and support for long time.
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Introduction to .NET
- Introduction of Language
- Introduction of Web Application
- Platform Dependence , Independence & Portability
- Introduction of .NET Framework
- Introduction of Compiler & MSIL
- Introduction of CLR
- Introduction of CLS, CTS, CLI
OOPs Implementation
- Encapsulation, Abstraction, Class & object
- Relation b/w objects and reference variables
- Method Overloading & Types of Methods
- Description of Memory blocks: Stacks, Heap & Class Area
- Constructors and Destructor & Garbage Collection
- Object Class and its role
- Using Scope & Dispose Method
- Usage of this keyword
- Static Data members, Constructors & methods
- Inheritance
- Method Overriding & Hiding
- Usage of Base keyword
- Static & Dynamic binding
- Abstract classes & methods
- Interfaces
- Usage of sealed, partial, out, refkeyword
- Namespace
- Assembly & GAC
- Property & Indexer
- Delegates & Event
- Annomynous
- Anonymous types
- Lambda expressions
- Extension methods
- Introduction to Reflection
Exception Handling
- Difference b/w exception and error
- Exception Handling & Robustness
- Common Exceptions and Errors
- Try and catch block
- Exception handlers
- throw keyword and its usage
- Role of finally
- Exception Class Methods & properties
- Creating User defined Exceptions
Multithreading in .NET
- Multitasking and Multithreading
- Process & thread
- States of Thread
- Thread based execution model of .NET Applications
- Implementing User threads
- Thread synchronization
- Sync And Async Programming
Input Output Streams
- Streams & their advantages over conventional input output
- Reading & writing data byte by byte, line by line, and in one go.
- Serialization & Deserialization
- Serialization Formatter
- Binary Formatter
- Soap Formatter
- Json Formatter
LINQ Queries & Operators
- Overview
- Filtering
- Joining
- Ordering
- Grouping
- Set Operators
- Conversion Methods
- Element Operators
- Aggregation Methods
- Role and Importance of Collection
- Index Based Collection Array List, Stack, Queue
- Use Define Collection
- Map Based Collection Use of Key & Value pair (Entry)
- Hash Table, Sorted List
- Searching elements in List, Hash and Tree based collections
- Role of equals and hashCode methods
- Role of Comparable interfaces
- Type safety and Generics
- Generic Collection
List ,Stack ,Queue ,Dictionary ,Linked List ,Sorted List
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- + Curriculum
Introduction to .NET
- Introduction of Language
- Introduction of Web Application
- Platform Dependence , Independence & Portability
- Introduction of .NET Framework
- Introduction of Compiler & MSIL
- Introduction of CLR
- Introduction of CLS, CTS, CLI
OOPs Implementation
- Encapsulation, Abstraction, Class & object
- Relation b/w objects and reference variables
- Method Overloading & Types of Methods
- Description of Memory blocks: Stacks, Heap & Class Area
- Constructors and Destructor & Garbage Collection
- Object Class and its role
- Using Scope & Dispose Method
- Usage of this keyword
- Static Data members, Constructors & methods
- Inheritance
- Method Overriding & Hiding
- Usage of Base keyword
- Static & Dynamic binding
- Abstract classes & methods
- Interfaces
- Usage of sealed, partial, out, refkeyword
- Namespace
- Assembly & GAC
- Property & Indexer
- Delegates & Event
- Annomynous
- Anonymous types
- Lambda expressions
- Extension methods
- Introduction to Reflection
Exception Handling
- Difference b/w exception and error
- Exception Handling & Robustness
- Common Exceptions and Errors
- Try and catch block
- Exception handlers
- throw keyword and its usage
- Role of finally
- Exception Class Methods & properties
- Creating User defined Exceptions
Multithreading in .NET
- Multitasking and Multithreading
- Process & thread
- States of Thread
- Thread based execution model of .NET Applications
- Implementing User threads
- Thread synchronization
- Sync And Async Programming
Input Output Streams
- Streams & their advantages over conventional input output
- Reading & writing data byte by byte, line by line, and in one go.
- Serialization & Deserialization
- Serialization Formatter
- Binary Formatter
- Soap Formatter
- Json Formatter
LINQ Queries & Operators
- Overview
- Filtering
- Joining
- Ordering
- Grouping
- Set Operators
- Conversion Methods
- Element Operators
- Aggregation Methods
- Role and Importance of Collection
- Index Based Collection Array List, Stack, Queue
- Use Define Collection
- Map Based Collection Use of Key & Value pair (Entry)
- Hash Table, Sorted List
- Searching elements in List, Hash and Tree based collections
- Role of equals and hashCode methods
- Role of Comparable interfaces
- Type safety and Generics
- Generic Collection
List ,Stack ,Queue ,Dictionary ,Linked List ,Sorted List
- + Certification
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- + Why Yess Infotech
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- + Trainer Profile
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- + What is Next
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