We are Pune’s leading IT training and placement institute, offering comprehensive Python web development courses for both freshers and working professionals. Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics and includes dedicated career guidance and long-term support.
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Pune’s top IT institute. Python web development training, placements, and career support for all levels.
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Basic Python
1 Introduction
1.1 What is Python..?
1.2 A Brief history of Python
1.3 Installing Python
1.4 How to execute Python program
- Using the Python Interpreter
- 1. Invoking the Interpreter
- 1.1. Argument Passing
- 1.2. Interactive Mode
- 2. The Interpreter and Its Environment
- 2.1. Source Code Encoding
- An Informal Introduction to Python
- 1. Using Python as a Calculator
- 1.1. Numbers
- 1.2. Strings
- 1.3. Lists
- 2. First Steps Towards Programming
- 1. Using Python as a Calculator
- More Control Flow Tools
- 1. if Statements
- 2. for Statements
- 3. The range() Function
- 4. break and continue Statements, and else Clauses on Loops
- 5. pass Statements
- 6. Defining Functions
- 7. More on Defining Functions
- 7.1. Default Argument Values
- 7.2. Keyword Arguments
- 7.3. Arbitrary Argument Lists
- 7.4. Unpacking Argument Lists
- 7.5. Lambda Expressions
- 7.6. Documentation Strings
- 7.7. Function Annotations
- 8. Intermezzo: Coding Style
- Data Structures
- 1. More on Lists
- 1.1. Using Lists as Stacks
- 1.2. Using Lists as Queues
- 1.3. List Comprehensions
- 1.4. Nested List Comprehensions
- 2. The del statement
- 3. Tuples and Sequences
- 4. Sets
- 5. Dictionaries
- 6. Looping Techniques
- 7. More on Conditions
- 8. Comparing Sequences and Other Types
- 1. More on Lists
- Modules
- 1. More on Modules
- 1.1. Executing modules as scripts
- 1.2. The Module Search Path
- 1.3. “Compiled” Python files
- 2. Standard Modules
- 3. The dir() Function
- 4. Packages
- 4.1. Importing * From a Package
- 4.2. Intra-package References
- 4.3. Packages in Multiple Directories
- Input and Output
- 1. Fancier Output Formatting
- 1.1. Formatted String Literals
- 1.2. The String format() Method
- 1.3. Manual String Formatting
- 1.4. Old string formatting
- 2. Reading and Writing Files
- 2.1. Methods of File Objects
- 2.2. Saving structured data with json
- Errors and Exceptions
- 1. Syntax Errors
- 2. Exceptions
- 3. Handling Exceptions
- 4. Raising Exceptions
- 5. User-defined Exceptions
- 6. Defining Clean-up Actions
- 7. Predefined Clean-up Actions
- 1. Fancier Output Formatting
- 1. More on Modules
- 1. Invoking the Interpreter
Advance Python
- Classes
- 1. A Word About Names and Objects
- 2. Python Scopes and Namespaces
- 2.1. Scopes and Namespaces Example
- 3. A First Look at Classes
- 3.1. Class Definition Syntax
- 3.2. Class Objects
- 3.3. Instance Objects
- 3.4. Method Objects
- 3.5. Class and Instance Variables
- 4. Random Remarks
- 5. Inheritance
- 5.1. Multiple Inheritance
- 6. Private Variables
- 7. Odds and Ends
- 8. Iterators
- 9. Generators
- 10. Generator Expressions
- Brief Tour of the Standard Library
- 1. Operating System Interface
- 2 Multi-threading
- 3. Command Line Arguments
- 5. String Pattern Matching
- 6. Mathematics
- 5. Logging
- Virtual Environments and Packages
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Creating Virtual Environments
- 3. Managing Packages with pip
- Using Databases in Python
Python MySQL Database Access
- Install the MySQLdb and other Packages
- Create Database Connection
- DML and DDL Operation with Database
- Introduction into the sys module
- Forks and Forking in Python
- Introduction into Threads
- Memory Management in Python
- Regular Expressions
- GUI Programming (Tkinter):
Button Widget
Label Widget
Text Widget
Python Custom Exception
Python Email Sending
Introduction to the Internet,
Web, W3
Websites, Webserver
HTML Versions
HTML Tags, Types
How to create HTML file
<br> tag
HTML Presentation Tag
<body> tag
Paragraph Tag
Headings in HTML
<hr> tag
<marquee> tag
<img> tag
html links
<table> tag
html frames, iframes
form, legend tag
http – get,post
http status messages
list in html – ordered/unordered/definition
<address> tag
<blink> tag
<code> tag
<ins> tag
<nobr> tag
html meta tag reference
meta description
Auto load page
html color – color value/code
<bdo> tag
<param> tag
html style, <span> tag
shortcuts to browser
special characters
css versions
types – inline/ext/int
css selector – tag/id/class/grouping/universal/descendent/attribute/adjuscent sibling
css unit
setting background
setting font
manipulating text
css image
css links – hover
css list
css border
css cursor
pseudo classes
pseudo element
box -shadow
Introduction – Diff between scripting and language
javascript placed in html
debugging javascript
pop up boxes – alert/confirm/prompt
working with external javascript
<no script> tag
conditional control stmt
reserved words
return stmt
global Vs local variable
background color
boolean object
string object
js math object
number object
date object
location property
javascript event – onclick/ondblclick/onload/onunload/onerror/onmousemove/
event handler – onresize/onselect/onchange/onblur/onfocus/onsubmit/onbeforeprint
errors – syntax/runtime/logical
exception – try..catch/finally
special characters
global functions
js object
browser objects
navigator object
screen object
history object
location object
document object
window object
array object
javascript timeing events
pattern matching
RegExp object
wildcard characters
Introduction to Django
- Model Layer
- Models
Introduction to models
Field Types
Meta options
Model Class
- QuerySets
Executing queries
Queryset Method Reference
- Migrations
Introduction to migrations
Writing Migrations
- View Layer
- The basics
View Functions
Request / Response objects
Class Based Views
File Uploads
- Template Layer
Built in tags and filters
Custom tags and filters
- Forms
Built in fields and widgets
Forms for models
Customizing validation
- Admin
Performance and Optimization
Introduction to Rest API (Django Rest Framework)
Once you master your chosen program at Yess Infotech, you’ll walk away with a valuable certification!
Why Choose Yess InfoTech?
Yess InfoTech offers a comprehensive approach to IT education and career development. Here’s why you should choose them:
Optimal Learning Environment
Study Room: A dedicated space for focused learning.
Computer Equipped Lab: Hands-on practice with the latest technology.
Expert Guidance
Experienced Trainers: Industry professionals sharing real-world knowledge.
Career Coach Sandip Sir: 8+ years of MNC experience providing valuable career guidance.
Personality Development Trainer: Enhancing soft skills essential for professional success.
Comprehensive Support
Dedicated Placement Team: Assisting with job search and interview preparation.
Placement Record of 12 LPA: Demonstrating successful career outcomes.
Notes Availability: Additional resources for effective learning.
Recorded Sessions on Trechto App: Flexibility to review lessons at your convenience.
In essence, Yess InfoTech provides a holistic learning experience that equips students with the necessary technical skills, soft skills, and career support to excel in the IT industry.
By combining a conducive learning environment, expert faculty, and a strong focus on career development, Yess InfoTech sets itself apart as a preferred choice for aspiring IT professionals.
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- + Curriculum
Basic Python
1 Introduction
1.1 What is Python..?
1.2 A Brief history of Python
1.3 Installing Python
1.4 How to execute Python program
- Using the Python Interpreter
- 1. Invoking the Interpreter
- 1.1. Argument Passing
- 1.2. Interactive Mode
- 2. The Interpreter and Its Environment
- 2.1. Source Code Encoding
- An Informal Introduction to Python
- 1. Using Python as a Calculator
- 1.1. Numbers
- 1.2. Strings
- 1.3. Lists
- 2. First Steps Towards Programming
- 1. Using Python as a Calculator
- More Control Flow Tools
- 1. if Statements
- 2. for Statements
- 3. The range() Function
- 4. break and continue Statements, and else Clauses on Loops
- 5. pass Statements
- 6. Defining Functions
- 7. More on Defining Functions
- 7.1. Default Argument Values
- 7.2. Keyword Arguments
- 7.3. Arbitrary Argument Lists
- 7.4. Unpacking Argument Lists
- 7.5. Lambda Expressions
- 7.6. Documentation Strings
- 7.7. Function Annotations
- 8. Intermezzo: Coding Style
- Data Structures
- 1. More on Lists
- 1.1. Using Lists as Stacks
- 1.2. Using Lists as Queues
- 1.3. List Comprehensions
- 1.4. Nested List Comprehensions
- 2. The del statement
- 3. Tuples and Sequences
- 4. Sets
- 5. Dictionaries
- 6. Looping Techniques
- 7. More on Conditions
- 8. Comparing Sequences and Other Types
- 1. More on Lists
- Modules
- 1. More on Modules
- 1.1. Executing modules as scripts
- 1.2. The Module Search Path
- 1.3. “Compiled” Python files
- 2. Standard Modules
- 3. The dir() Function
- 4. Packages
- 4.1. Importing * From a Package
- 4.2. Intra-package References
- 4.3. Packages in Multiple Directories
- Input and Output
- 1. Fancier Output Formatting
- 1.1. Formatted String Literals
- 1.2. The String format() Method
- 1.3. Manual String Formatting
- 1.4. Old string formatting
- 2. Reading and Writing Files
- 2.1. Methods of File Objects
- 2.2. Saving structured data with json
- Errors and Exceptions
- 1. Syntax Errors
- 2. Exceptions
- 3. Handling Exceptions
- 4. Raising Exceptions
- 5. User-defined Exceptions
- 6. Defining Clean-up Actions
- 7. Predefined Clean-up Actions
- 1. Fancier Output Formatting
- 1. More on Modules
- 1. Invoking the Interpreter
Advance Python
- Classes
- 1. A Word About Names and Objects
- 2. Python Scopes and Namespaces
- 2.1. Scopes and Namespaces Example
- 3. A First Look at Classes
- 3.1. Class Definition Syntax
- 3.2. Class Objects
- 3.3. Instance Objects
- 3.4. Method Objects
- 3.5. Class and Instance Variables
- 4. Random Remarks
- 5. Inheritance
- 5.1. Multiple Inheritance
- 6. Private Variables
- 7. Odds and Ends
- 8. Iterators
- 9. Generators
- 10. Generator Expressions
- Brief Tour of the Standard Library
- 1. Operating System Interface
- 2 Multi-threading
- 3. Command Line Arguments
- 5. String Pattern Matching
- 6. Mathematics
- 5. Logging
- Virtual Environments and Packages
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Creating Virtual Environments
- 3. Managing Packages with pip
- Using Databases in Python
Python MySQL Database Access
- Install the MySQLdb and other Packages
- Create Database Connection
- DML and DDL Operation with Database
- Introduction into the sys module
- Forks and Forking in Python
- Introduction into Threads
- Memory Management in Python
- Regular Expressions
- GUI Programming (Tkinter):
Button Widget
Label Widget
Text Widget
Python Custom Exception
Python Email Sending
Introduction to the Internet,
Web, W3
Websites, Webserver
HTML Versions
HTML Tags, Types
How to create HTML file
<br> tagHTML Presentation Tag
<body> tag
Paragraph Tag
Headings in HTML
<hr> tag
<marquee> tag
<img> tag
html links
<table> tag
html frames, iframes
form, legend tag
http – get,post
http status messages
list in html – ordered/unordered/definition
<address> tag
<blink> tag
<code> tag
<ins> tag
<nobr> tag
html meta tag reference
meta description
Auto load page
html color – color value/code
<bdo> tag
<param> tag
html style, <span> tag
shortcuts to browser
special charactersCSS
css versions
types – inline/ext/int
css selector – tag/id/class/grouping/universal/descendent/attribute/adjuscent sibling
css unit
setting background
setting font
manipulating text
css image
css links – hover
css list
css border
css cursor
pseudo classes
pseudo element
box -shadow
Introduction – Diff between scripting and language
javascript placed in html
debugging javascript
pop up boxes – alert/confirm/prompt
working with external javascript
datatypes<no script> tag
conditional control stmt
reserved words
return stmt
global Vs local variable
background color
boolean object
string object
js math object
number object
date object
location property
javascript event – onclick/ondblclick/onload/onunload/onerror/onmousemove/
event handler – onresize/onselect/onchange/onblur/onfocus/onsubmit/onbeforeprint
errors – syntax/runtime/logical
exception – try..catch/finally
special characters
global functions
js object
browser objects
navigator object
screen object
history object
location object
document objectwindow object
array object
javascript timeing events
pattern matching
RegExp object
wildcard characters
validationIntroduction to Django
- Model Layer
- Models
Introduction to models
Field Types
Meta options
Model Class
- QuerySets
Executing queries
Queryset Method Reference
- Migrations
Introduction to migrations
Writing Migrations
- View Layer
- The basics
View Functions
Request / Response objects
Class Based Views
File Uploads
- Template Layer
Built in tags and filters
Custom tags and filters
- Forms
Built in fields and widgets
Forms for models
Customizing validation
- Admin
Performance and Optimization
Introduction to Rest API (Django Rest Framework)
- Using the Python Interpreter
- + Certification
Once you master your chosen program at Yess Infotech, you’ll walk away with a valuable certification!
- + Why Yess Infotech
Why Choose Yess InfoTech?
Yess InfoTech offers a comprehensive approach to IT education and career development. Here’s why you should choose them:Optimal Learning Environment
Study Room: A dedicated space for focused learning.
Computer Equipped Lab: Hands-on practice with the latest technology.Expert Guidance
Experienced Trainers: Industry professionals sharing real-world knowledge.
Career Coach Sandip Sir: 8+ years of MNC experience providing valuable career guidance.
Personality Development Trainer: Enhancing soft skills essential for professional success.Comprehensive Support
Dedicated Placement Team: Assisting with job search and interview preparation.
Placement Record of 12 LPA: Demonstrating successful career outcomes.
Notes Availability: Additional resources for effective learning.
Recorded Sessions on Trechto App: Flexibility to review lessons at your convenience.
In essence, Yess InfoTech provides a holistic learning experience that equips students with the necessary technical skills, soft skills, and career support to excel in the IT industry.By combining a conducive learning environment, expert faculty, and a strong focus on career development, Yess InfoTech sets itself apart as a preferred choice for aspiring IT professionals.
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