We are the best IT Training and Placement Institute in ,Pune.We provide all IT Training for freshers as well as for working professionals. Also,we provide wide range of trainings.We consult our students for career opportunities and support for long time.
One time registration fee 5000/- Pay Now
- Introduction To HTML5
- Limitations of HTML4
- Introduction and Advantages of HTML5
- First HTML5 Document
- Overview of New Features of HTML5
- Page Layout Semantic Elements
- Header
- Navigation
- Section & Articles
- Footer
- Aside and more
- Form Elements And Attributes
- New Input Types
- New Elements in Form
- New Attributes in Form Tag
- New Attributes in <input> Tag
- Working With Canvas
- Coordinates
- Path and Curves
- Drawing Lines, Rectangles and Circles
- Text and Font
- Color Gradiations
- Drawing Images
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
- Understanding SVG
- Benefits of SVG
- Using SVG Tag
- Comparing with Canvas
- Media – Audio And Video
- Audio and Source tags
- Video and Source tags
- Track tag
- Mime types supported
- Browser Compatibility
- Programming using Javascript
- Drag And Drop
- Drag and Drop Events
- Programming using JavaScript
- Web Storage
- Overview
- Local Storage
- Session Storage
- Browser Compatibility
- HTML Geolocation
- HTML Drag/Drop
- HTML Web Storage
- HTML Web Workers
- Working With CSS3
- Introduction to CSS3
- Selectors
- Box Model
- CSS3 Borders
- Working with border-radius
- Working with box-shadow
- Working with border-image
- CSS3 Backgrounds
- Background-size
- Background-origin
- CSS3 Gradients
- Linear Gradients
- Radial Gradients
- CSS3 Text Effects
- Text
- -shadow
- Word
- -wrap
- CSS3 Web Fonts
- Creating custom fonts
- Font Descriptors
- CSS3 2D Transforms
- Working with translate
- Working with rotate
- Working with scale
- Working with skew
- Working with matrix
- CSS3 3D Transforms
- Working with rotateX
- Working with rotateY
- CSS3 Transitions And Animations
- Working with Animations
- Working with Transitions
- JS Introduction
- JS Where To
- JS Output
- JS Statements
- JS Syntax
- JS Comments
- JS Variables
- JS Operators
- JS Arithmetic
- JS Assignment
- JS Data Types
- JS Functions
- JS Objects
- JS Scope
- JS Events
- JS Strings
- JS String Methods
- JS Numbers
- JS Number Methods
- JS Math
- JS Random
- JS Dates
- JS Date Formats
- JS Date Methods
- JS Arrays
- JS Array Methods
- JS Array Sort
- JS Booleans
- JS Comparisons
- JS Conditions
- JS Switch
- JS Loop For
- JS Loop While
- JS Break
- JS Type Conversion
- JS Bitwise
- JS RegExp
- JS Errors
- JS Debugging
- JS Hoisting
- JS Strict Mode
- JS Style Guide
- JS Best Practices
- JS Mistakes
- JS Performance
- JS Reserved Words
- JS Versions
- JS Forms
- JS Forms
- Forms API
- JS Objects
- Object Definitions
- Object Properties
- Object Methods
- Object Constructors
- Object Prototypes
- JS Functions
- Function Definitions
- Function Parameters
- Function Invocation
- Function Call
- Function Apply
- Function Closures
- DOM Intro
- DOM Methods
- DOM Document
- DOM Elements
- DOM Animations
- DOM Events
- DOM Event Listener
- DOM Navigation
- DOM Nodes
- DOM Collections
- DOM Node Lists
- JS Browser BOM
- JS Window
- JS Screen
- JS Location
- JS History
- JS Navigator
- JS Popup Alert
- JS Timing
- JS Cookies
- AJAX Intro
- AJAX Request
- AJAX Response
- AJAX Database
- AJAX Applications
- AJAX Examples
- JSON Intro
- JSON Syntax
- JSON Data Types
- JSON Objects
- JSON Arrays
- JSON Parse
- JSON Stringify
- JS
- Examples
- JS Examples
- JS HTML Input
- JS HTML Objects
- JS HTML Events
- JS Browser
Advanced Java Script Syllabus
- Introduction
- Javascript Resource
- ECMAScript Language Specification
- Course Plan
- Scope
- Scope and the JavaScript Compiler
- Compiling Function Scope
- Execution of Function Code
- Scope and Execution Example
- Function Declarations, Function Expressions, and Block Scope
- Lexical Scope
- Cheating Lexical Scope: eval
- IIFE Pattern
- IIFE Pattern Questions
- Block Scope in ES6
- Problems with the Let Keyword
- Dynamic Scope
- Quiz: Scope
- Hoisting
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 1: Solution
- this Keyword
- Binding Confusion
- Explicit Binding
- The New keyword
- Quiz: this
- Closure
- Closures
- Closure Examples
- More Closure Examples
- Module Patterns
- Quiz: Closure
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 2 Solution
- Object Orienting
- Prototype
- Prototypes Explained, Part 1
- Prototypes Explained, Part 2
- Prototype Linkages
- Prototype: Objects Linked
- Linked Prototype Diagram
- Quiz: Prototype Behavior
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 3: Solution
- Inheritance
- OLOO Questions
- Quiz: Prototype Unit
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 4 Solution
- Async Patterns
- Callbacks
- Solving Callback Problems
- Generators
- Promises
- asynquence
- Quiz: Async Patterns
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 5 Solution
Section: 1 Introduction
- Introduction
- What is Angular
- Architecture of Angular Apps
- Setting Up the Development Environment
- Your First Angular App
- Structure of Angular Projects
- Webpack
- Angular Version History
- Quiz 1: Angular Basics
Section: 2 TypeScript Fundamentals
- Introduction
- What is TypeScript?
- Your First TypeScript Program
- Declaring Variables
- Types
- Type Assertions
- Arrow Functions
- Interfaces
- Classes
- Objects
- Constructors
- Access Modifiers
- Access Modifiers in Constructor Parameters
- Properties
- Modules
- Exercise
Section: 3 Angular Fundamentals
- Introduction
- Building Blocks of Angular Apps
- Components
- Generating Components Using Angular CLI
- Templates
- Directives
- Services
- Dependency Injection
- Generating Services Using Angular CLI
- Assignment 1: List of Authors
Section: 4 Displaying Data and Handling Events
- Introduction
- Property Binding
- Attribute Binding
- Adding Bootstrap
- Class Binding
- Style Binding
- Event Binding
- Event Filtering
- Template Variables
- Two-way Binding
- Pipes
- Custom Pipes
- Assignment 2: Favorite Component
- Assignment 3: Title Casing
Section: 5 Building Re-usable Components
- Introduction
- Component API
- Input Properties
- Aliasing Input Properties
- Output Properties
- Passing Event Data
- Aliasing Output Properties
- Templates
- Styles
- View Encapsulation
- ngContent
- ngContainer
- Assignment 4: Like Component
Section: 6 Directives
- Introduction
- ngIf
- Hidden Property
- ngSwitchCase
- ngFor
- ngFor and Change Detection
- ngFor and Trackby
- The Leading Asterisk
- ngClass
- ngStyle
- Safe Traversal Operator
- Creating Custom Directives
- Assignment 5: Exercise: ZippyComponent
Section: 7 Template-driven Forms
- Introduction
- Building a Bootstrap Form
- Types of Forms
- ngModel
- Adding Validation
- Specific Validation Errors
- Styling Invalid Input Fields
- Cleaner Templates
- ngForm
- ngModelGroup
- Control Classes and Directives
- Disabling the Submit Button
- Working with Check Boxes
- Working with Drop-down Lists
- Working with Radio Buttons
- Assignment 6: Course Form
Section: 8 Reactive Forms
- Introduction
- Building a Bootstrap Form
- Creating Controls Programmatically
- Adding Validation
- Specific Validation Errors
- Implementing Custom Validation
- Asynchronous Operations
- Asynchronous Validators
- Showing a Loader Image
- Validating the Form Input Upon Submit
- Nested FormGroups
- FormArray
- FormBuilder
- Quick Recap
- Assignment 7: Change Password Form
Section: 9 Consuming HTTP Services
- Introduction
- JSONPlaceHolder
- Getting Data
- Creating Data
- Updating Data
- Deleting Data
- OnInit Interface
- Separation of Concerns
- Extracting a Service
- Handling Errors
- Handling Unexpected Errors
- Handling Expected Errors
- Throwing Application-specific Errors
- Handling Bad Request Errors
- Importing Observable Operators and Factory Methods
- Global Error Handling
- Extracting a Reusable Error Handling Method
- Extracting a Reusable Data Service
- The Map Operator
- Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates
- Observables vs Promises
- Assignment 8: GitHub Followers Page
Section: 10 Routing and Navigation
- Introduction
- Routing in a Nutshell
- Configuring Routes
- RouterOutlet
- RouterLink
- RouterLinkActive
- Getting the Route Parameters
- Why Route Parameters Are Observables
- Routes with Multiple Parameters
- Query Parameters
- Subscribing to Multiple Observables
- The SwitchMap Operator
- Programmatic Navigation
- Assignment 9: Blog Archives
Section: 11 Authentication and Authorization
- Introduction
- Application Overview
- Architecture
- JSON Web Tokens
- Starter Code
- Implementing Login
- Implementing Logout
- Showing or Hiding Elements
- Showing or Hiding Elements based on the User’s Role
- Getting the Current User
- CanActivate Interface
- Redirecting Users After Logging In
- Protecting Routes Based on the User’s Role
- Accessing Protected API Resources Quick Recap
Section: 12 Deployment
- Introduction
- Preparing for Deployment
- JIT vs AOT Compilation
- Angular Compiler in Action
- Building Applications with Angular CLI
- Environments
- Adding Custom Environments
- Linting with Angular CLI
- Linting in VSCode
- Other Deployment Options
- Deploying to GitHub Pages
- Deploying to Firebase
- Heroku
- Deploying to Heroku
- Engines
- 168. Exercise
Once you master your chosen program at Yess Infotech, you’ll walk away with a valuable certification!
Why Choose Yess InfoTech?
Yess InfoTech offers a comprehensive approach to IT education and career development. Here’s why you should choose them:
Optimal Learning Environment
Study Room: A dedicated space for focused learning.
Computer Equipped Lab: Hands-on practice with the latest technology.
Expert Guidance
Experienced Trainers: Industry professionals sharing real-world knowledge.
Career Coach Sandip Sir: 8+ years of MNC experience providing valuable career guidance.
Personality Development Trainer: Enhancing soft skills essential for professional success.
Comprehensive Support
Dedicated Placement Team: Assisting with job search and interview preparation.
Placement Record of 12 LPA: Demonstrating successful career outcomes.
Notes Availability: Additional resources for effective learning.
Recorded Sessions on Trechto App: Flexibility to review lessons at your convenience.
In essence, Yess InfoTech provides a holistic learning experience that equips students with the necessary technical skills, soft skills, and career support to excel in the IT industry.
By combining a conducive learning environment, expert faculty, and a strong focus on career development, Yess InfoTech sets itself apart as a preferred choice for aspiring IT professionals.
Would you like to know more about a specific aspect of Yess InfoTech?
We Will Be Updated Soon.
We Will Be Updated Soon.
- + Curriculum
- Introduction To HTML5
- Limitations of HTML4
- Introduction and Advantages of HTML5
- First HTML5 Document
- Overview of New Features of HTML5
- Page Layout Semantic Elements
- Header
- Navigation
- Section & Articles
- Footer
- Aside and more
- Form Elements And Attributes
- New Input Types
- New Elements in Form
- New Attributes in Form Tag
- New Attributes in <input> Tag
- Working With Canvas
- Coordinates
- Path and Curves
- Drawing Lines, Rectangles and Circles
- Text and Font
- Color Gradiations
- Drawing Images
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
- Understanding SVG
- Benefits of SVG
- Using SVG Tag
- Comparing with Canvas
- Media – Audio And Video
- Audio and Source tags
- Video and Source tags
- Track tag
- Mime types supported
- Browser Compatibility
- Programming using Javascript
- Drag And Drop
- Drag and Drop Events
- Programming using JavaScript
- Web Storage
- Overview
- Local Storage
- Session Storage
- Browser Compatibility
- HTML Geolocation
- HTML Drag/Drop
- HTML Web Storage
- HTML Web Workers
- Working With CSS3
- Introduction to CSS3
- Selectors
- Box Model
- CSS3 Borders
- Working with border-radius
- Working with box-shadow
- Working with border-image
- CSS3 Backgrounds
- Background-size
- Background-origin
- CSS3 Gradients
- Linear Gradients
- Radial Gradients
- CSS3 Text Effects
- Text
- -shadow
- Word
- -wrap
- CSS3 Web Fonts
- Creating custom fonts
- Font Descriptors
- CSS3 2D Transforms
- Working with translate
- Working with rotate
- Working with scale
- Working with skew
- Working with matrix
- CSS3 3D Transforms
- Working with rotateX
- Working with rotateY
- CSS3 Transitions And Animations
- Working with Animations
- Working with Transitions
- JS Introduction
- JS Where To
- JS Output
- JS Statements
- JS Syntax
- JS Comments
- JS Variables
- JS Operators
- JS Arithmetic
- JS Assignment
- JS Data Types
- JS Functions
- JS Objects
- JS Scope
- JS Events
- JS Strings
- JS String Methods
- JS Numbers
- JS Number Methods
- JS Math
- JS Random
- JS Dates
- JS Date Formats
- JS Date Methods
- JS Arrays
- JS Array Methods
- JS Array Sort
- JS Booleans
- JS Comparisons
- JS Conditions
- JS Switch
- JS Loop For
- JS Loop While
- JS Break
- JS Type Conversion
- JS Bitwise
- JS RegExp
- JS Errors
- JS Debugging
- JS Hoisting
- JS Strict Mode
- JS Style Guide
- JS Best Practices
- JS Mistakes
- JS Performance
- JS Reserved Words
- JS Versions
- JS Forms
- JS Forms
- Forms API
- JS Objects
- Object Definitions
- Object Properties
- Object Methods
- Object Constructors
- Object Prototypes
- JS Functions
- Function Definitions
- Function Parameters
- Function Invocation
- Function Call
- Function Apply
- Function Closures
- DOM Intro
- DOM Methods
- DOM Document
- DOM Elements
- DOM Animations
- DOM Events
- DOM Event Listener
- DOM Navigation
- DOM Nodes
- DOM Collections
- DOM Node Lists
- JS Browser BOM
- JS Window
- JS Screen
- JS Location
- JS History
- JS Navigator
- JS Popup Alert
- JS Timing
- JS Cookies
- AJAX Intro
- AJAX Request
- AJAX Response
- AJAX Database
- AJAX Applications
- AJAX Examples
- JSON Intro
- JSON Syntax
- JSON Data Types
- JSON Objects
- JSON Arrays
- JSON Parse
- JSON Stringify
- JS
- Examples
- JS Examples
- JS HTML Input
- JS HTML Objects
- JS HTML Events
- JS Browser
Advanced Java Script Syllabus
- Introduction
- Javascript Resource
- ECMAScript Language Specification
- Course Plan
- Scope
- Scope and the JavaScript Compiler
- Compiling Function Scope
- Execution of Function Code
- Scope and Execution Example
- Function Declarations, Function Expressions, and Block Scope
- Lexical Scope
- Cheating Lexical Scope: eval
- IIFE Pattern
- IIFE Pattern Questions
- Block Scope in ES6
- Problems with the Let Keyword
- Dynamic Scope
- Quiz: Scope
- Hoisting
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 1: Solution
- this Keyword
- Binding Confusion
- Explicit Binding
- The New keyword
- Quiz: this
- Closure
- Closures
- Closure Examples
- More Closure Examples
- Module Patterns
- Quiz: Closure
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 2 Solution
- Object Orienting
- Prototype
- Prototypes Explained, Part 1
- Prototypes Explained, Part 2
- Prototype Linkages
- Prototype: Objects Linked
- Linked Prototype Diagram
- Quiz: Prototype Behavior
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 3: Solution
- Inheritance
- OLOO Questions
- Quiz: Prototype Unit
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 4 Solution
- Async Patterns
- Callbacks
- Solving Callback Problems
- Generators
- Promises
- asynquence
- Quiz: Async Patterns
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 5 Solution
Section: 1 Introduction
- Introduction
- What is Angular
- Architecture of Angular Apps
- Setting Up the Development Environment
- Your First Angular App
- Structure of Angular Projects
- Webpack
- Angular Version History
- Quiz 1: Angular Basics
Section: 2 TypeScript Fundamentals
- Introduction
- What is TypeScript?
- Your First TypeScript Program
- Declaring Variables
- Types
- Type Assertions
- Arrow Functions
- Interfaces
- Classes
- Objects
- Constructors
- Access Modifiers
- Access Modifiers in Constructor Parameters
- Properties
- Modules
- Exercise
Section: 3 Angular Fundamentals
- Introduction
- Building Blocks of Angular Apps
- Components
- Generating Components Using Angular CLI
- Templates
- Directives
- Services
- Dependency Injection
- Generating Services Using Angular CLI
- Assignment 1: List of Authors
Section: 4 Displaying Data and Handling Events
- Introduction
- Property Binding
- Attribute Binding
- Adding Bootstrap
- Class Binding
- Style Binding
- Event Binding
- Event Filtering
- Template Variables
- Two-way Binding
- Pipes
- Custom Pipes
- Assignment 2: Favorite Component
- Assignment 3: Title Casing
Section: 5 Building Re-usable Components
- Introduction
- Component API
- Input Properties
- Aliasing Input Properties
- Output Properties
- Passing Event Data
- Aliasing Output Properties
- Templates
- Styles
- View Encapsulation
- ngContent
- ngContainer
- Assignment 4: Like Component
Section: 6 Directives
- Introduction
- ngIf
- Hidden Property
- ngSwitchCase
- ngFor
- ngFor and Change Detection
- ngFor and Trackby
- The Leading Asterisk
- ngClass
- ngStyle
- Safe Traversal Operator
- Creating Custom Directives
- Assignment 5: Exercise: ZippyComponent
Section: 7 Template-driven Forms
- Introduction
- Building a Bootstrap Form
- Types of Forms
- ngModel
- Adding Validation
- Specific Validation Errors
- Styling Invalid Input Fields
- Cleaner Templates
- ngForm
- ngModelGroup
- Control Classes and Directives
- Disabling the Submit Button
- Working with Check Boxes
- Working with Drop-down Lists
- Working with Radio Buttons
- Assignment 6: Course Form
Section: 8 Reactive Forms
- Introduction
- Building a Bootstrap Form
- Creating Controls Programmatically
- Adding Validation
- Specific Validation Errors
- Implementing Custom Validation
- Asynchronous Operations
- Asynchronous Validators
- Showing a Loader Image
- Validating the Form Input Upon Submit
- Nested FormGroups
- FormArray
- FormBuilder
- Quick Recap
- Assignment 7: Change Password Form
Section: 9 Consuming HTTP Services
- Introduction
- JSONPlaceHolder
- Getting Data
- Creating Data
- Updating Data
- Deleting Data
- OnInit Interface
- Separation of Concerns
- Extracting a Service
- Handling Errors
- Handling Unexpected Errors
- Handling Expected Errors
- Throwing Application-specific Errors
- Handling Bad Request Errors
- Importing Observable Operators and Factory Methods
- Global Error Handling
- Extracting a Reusable Error Handling Method
- Extracting a Reusable Data Service
- The Map Operator
- Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates
- Observables vs Promises
- Assignment 8: GitHub Followers Page
Section: 10 Routing and Navigation
- Introduction
- Routing in a Nutshell
- Configuring Routes
- RouterOutlet
- RouterLink
- RouterLinkActive
- Getting the Route Parameters
- Why Route Parameters Are Observables
- Routes with Multiple Parameters
- Query Parameters
- Subscribing to Multiple Observables
- The SwitchMap Operator
- Programmatic Navigation
- Assignment 9: Blog Archives
Section: 11 Authentication and Authorization
- Introduction
- Application Overview
- Architecture
- JSON Web Tokens
- Starter Code
- Implementing Login
- Implementing Logout
- Showing or Hiding Elements
- Showing or Hiding Elements based on the User’s Role
- Getting the Current User
- CanActivate Interface
- Redirecting Users After Logging In
- Protecting Routes Based on the User’s Role
- Accessing Protected API Resources Quick Recap
Section: 12 Deployment
- Introduction
- Preparing for Deployment
- JIT vs AOT Compilation
- Angular Compiler in Action
- Building Applications with Angular CLI
- Environments
- Adding Custom Environments
- Linting with Angular CLI
- Linting in VSCode
- Other Deployment Options
- Deploying to GitHub Pages
- Deploying to Firebase
- Heroku
- Deploying to Heroku
- Engines
- 168. Exercise
- + Certification
Once you master your chosen program at Yess Infotech, you’ll walk away with a valuable certification!
- + Why Yess Infotech
Why Choose Yess InfoTech?
Yess InfoTech offers a comprehensive approach to IT education and career development. Here’s why you should choose them:Optimal Learning Environment
Study Room: A dedicated space for focused learning.
Computer Equipped Lab: Hands-on practice with the latest technology.Expert Guidance
Experienced Trainers: Industry professionals sharing real-world knowledge.
Career Coach Sandip Sir: 8+ years of MNC experience providing valuable career guidance.
Personality Development Trainer: Enhancing soft skills essential for professional success.Comprehensive Support
Dedicated Placement Team: Assisting with job search and interview preparation.
Placement Record of 12 LPA: Demonstrating successful career outcomes.
Notes Availability: Additional resources for effective learning.
Recorded Sessions on Trechto App: Flexibility to review lessons at your convenience.
In essence, Yess InfoTech provides a holistic learning experience that equips students with the necessary technical skills, soft skills, and career support to excel in the IT industry.By combining a conducive learning environment, expert faculty, and a strong focus on career development, Yess InfoTech sets itself apart as a preferred choice for aspiring IT professionals.
Would you like to know more about a specific aspect of Yess InfoTech?
- + Trainer Profile
We Will Be Updated Soon.
- + What is Next
We Will Be Updated Soon.
Our Courses
Quick Inquiry
Quality Training. 100% practical. Trainers are having great knowledge. Industry Working professional Trainers only. Flexible Batch timing are from 7 am in the morning ,after 6 pm in the evening. And from 8 am to 6 pm in the weekends(Saturday and Sunday).Very supportive staff. Daily basis feedback system for students. So good quality till end of the training. Sharing good number of job calls also. They have study area equipped with Unlimited internet and fast computers from 11 am to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday.