We are the best IT Training and Placement Institute in ,Pune.We provide all IT Training for freshers as well as for working professionals. Also,we provide wide range of trainings.We consult our students for career opportunities and support for long time.
One time registration fee 5000/- Pay Now
MERN Stack Syllabus:
- Training Overview
- Installation Setup and System Configuration
- Developer Tool
- OS basics
- HTML basics
- History
- Boiler Plate
- Skeleton
- First Web Page Project
- heading
- Paragraph Tag
- pre tag
- HTML Elements
- Path
- Image tag
- Anchor tag
- Lists tag
- Marquee tag
- nested list
- Nested marquee
- Table tag
- Nested Table
- Table data merging colspan
- rowspan
- Float Property
- Clear Property
- Div tag
- Nested Div And Eg
- Iframe tag and Forms Part 1
- Forms Advanced
- Semantic Elements and Non -Semantic Elements
- Audio
- Video
- Progress
- Embed
- Additional Tags
- CSS Intro
- Ways To Write CSS Selectors
- Box Model- margin
- Padding
- Border
- Outline
- Margin
- Padding
- border-radius
- box-sizing
- CSS Colours
- background properties
- min-max height width,
- CSS Font Property
- text Property
- CSS Units And Dimensions
- Positioning In CSS
- z-index
- text shadow
- box-shadow
- overflow
- visibility property
- CSS Transition
- Transform Effects
- Flexbox in CSS
- Media Query
- Pseudo Elements: link
- hover active visited
- Into
- Setup CDN
- Local Setup
- Text
- bg classess
- Button
- Button Group
- Alert
- Spinner
- margin, padding
- Typography
- Components- Card
- Image
- Progress Bar
- Collapse And Accordion
- Dropdown, Modal
- Bootstrap Navbar
- Carousel / Slider
- Table
- Grid System- Responsive UI
- Latest Version Bootstrap Components
- and V4 vs V
- JS Basics history
- Introduction
- Features
- Why JS
- output possibilities
- variables identifiers
- ways to write js
- const, let
- var keywords
- data types
- JS operators Part 1
- Types – ES-6 Operators
- control statements – Conditional Statements- if
- if else
- nested
- Switch Statement
- Looping Statement – while
- do while
- looping statements
- for loop
- function intro
- return keyword
- Parameter
- Arguments
- arguments and rest parameters
- ways to write functions
- call back
- nested
- self invoked functions
- objects
- methods in objects
- nested objects and its methods
- Array intro
- ways to create Array
- Nested Array Object
- Looping in Array
- for in And for of
- Array method part 1
- Array method part 2 Advanced
- Strings
- string methods
- Events
- keyboard events
- form
- window events
- addEventListener Method”
- DOM And Its methods
- How dom works
- DOM property method part 2 And Its Properties querySelector querySelectorAll
- BOM And How BOM works
- Dialog Boxes- Alert
- Confirm, Prompt
- History
- Location
- navigation object and Properties
- Date
- math objects
- set interval
- set timeout
- Modern JS Advanced Guide Session
- Sync and Async
- Promises
- Async Await
- Array Destructuring
- Spread Operator
- How JS Works
React JS
- Introduction – React Features
- History
- Features
- React Project Setup – Local
- Command
- Environment Setup
- What Is Npm Babel
- Webpack And How it Works
- Execution Flow
- Angular Vs React difference
- Virtual dom,
- Ways to Rendering HTML What Is JSX and Features
- JS
- Integration
- Babel Working
- Components and Types Of Components
- State Object
- State Props Object and How It works And Events In React
- Ecommerce App Data Hide Show using State
- React Router DOM And Its Config and Setup
- Hooks Basics (Routing Hooks)
- Hooks In React
- useState
- useEffect
- useRef hooks implementation”
- useMemo
- useContext
- useCallback Hooks implementation
- useReducer
- Custom hooks
- Introduction Hooks
- Life Cycle method Mounting Phase
- Updating
- unmounting Phase additional
- What IS JSON and Its Methods
- Json server Setup
- API Calling
- Postman
- HTTP Methods
- React Form
- Formik Package And Form Validations
- Axios Package And CRUD Operation using Axios
- Data get and select part 1
- CRUD Operation using Axios
- Data Update and delete part 2
- Redux – State Management Library
- What Is Redux Toolkit And How Redux Works?
- JSON Intro. Json Data Types And their Examples
- Json Pares
- Json Object
- Json String
- Introduction To MongoDB
- MongoDB Vs SQL
- Setup Environment For MongoDB
- Mongo Shell
- Mongoosh,MongoDB Curd Operation
- Mongodb Comparision Operator And Logical Operator
- Aggregation pipeline And Their Commands
- MongoDB Sharding And Replication Whole Concept
- Mongodb Altas Cloud (Database-as-a- servies)
Node Js
- Introduction To Node Js
- Node Js Architecture
- NPM init || NPM || NPX || YARN
- Node js Modules
- Built in Module
- Custom Module
- External Modules
- Built In module- Process
- File System
- Http
- External Module- Nodemon
- Nodemailer
- Express, colours
- custom Module-Internal And Externa
- Import and export methods
- Express App
- Introduction To Express Js
- Creating A Server Using Express Js
- Express Routing And MiddleWare
- Error Status Codes And Their Uses
- HTTP methods
- MVC Architecture
- Promises
- Async And Await Functions
- JWT Token and bcrypt password hashing And Authentication
Other Important Topics:
- API and its curd Operations
- Rest Api Curd Operation
- Mongodb Populate and ref methods in Api
- Introduction to Socket
- Practice on the tools with drawing or example
Solid Editing tools:
- Solid Union, Subtract, Intersect
- Edge & Face Properties
- Interfere, Slice, Thicken
- Working with Visual styles
- Importing & Exporting, Print & Publish
- Working on models Space and layout Space
- Title Block (Nameplate/Template for Sheet)
- Change Space (Model to Layout)
- Multiple Choice Question Test & Tool Test (Optional){Take both tests as per free time on weekend}
- Final Submission
- Assignment 1
- Assignment 2
Once you master your chosen program at Yess Infotech, you’ll walk away with a valuable certification!
Why Choose Yess InfoTech?
Yess InfoTech offers a comprehensive approach to IT education and career development. Here’s why you should choose them:
Optimal Learning Environment
Study Room: A dedicated space for focused learning.
Computer Equipped Lab: Hands-on practice with the latest technology.
Expert Guidance
Experienced Trainers: Industry professionals sharing real-world knowledge.
Career Coach Sandip Sir: 8+ years of MNC experience providing valuable career guidance.
Personality Development Trainer: Enhancing soft skills essential for professional success.
Comprehensive Support
Dedicated Placement Team: Assisting with job search and interview preparation.
Placement Record of 12 LPA: Demonstrating successful career outcomes.
Notes Availability: Additional resources for effective learning.
Recorded Sessions on Trechto App: Flexibility to review lessons at your convenience.
In essence, Yess InfoTech provides a holistic learning experience that equips students with the necessary technical skills, soft skills, and career support to excel in the IT industry.
By combining a conducive learning environment, expert faculty, and a strong focus on career development, Yess InfoTech sets itself apart as a preferred choice for aspiring IT professionals.
Would you like to know more about a specific aspect of Yess InfoTech?
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- + Curriculum
MERN Stack Syllabus:
- Training Overview
- Installation Setup and System Configuration
- Developer Tool
- OS basics
- HTML basics
- History
- Boiler Plate
- Skeleton
- First Web Page Project
- heading
- Paragraph Tag
- pre tag
- HTML Elements
- Path
- Image tag
- Anchor tag
- Lists tag
- Marquee tag
- nested list
- Nested marquee
- Table tag
- Nested Table
- Table data merging colspan
- rowspan
- Float Property
- Clear Property
- Div tag
- Nested Div And Eg
- Iframe tag and Forms Part 1
- Forms Advanced
- Semantic Elements and Non -Semantic Elements
- Audio
- Video
- Progress
- Embed
- Additional Tags
- CSS Intro
- Ways To Write CSS Selectors
- Box Model- margin
- Padding
- Border
- Outline
- Margin
- Padding
- border-radius
- box-sizing
- CSS Colours
- background properties
- min-max height width,
- CSS Font Property
- text Property
- CSS Units And Dimensions
- Positioning In CSS
- z-index
- text shadow
- box-shadow
- overflow
- visibility property
- CSS Transition
- Transform Effects
- Flexbox in CSS
- Media Query
- Pseudo Elements: link
- hover active visited
- Into
- Setup CDN
- Local Setup
- Text
- bg classess
- Button
- Button Group
- Alert
- Spinner
- margin, padding
- Typography
- Components- Card
- Image
- Progress Bar
- Collapse And Accordion
- Dropdown, Modal
- Bootstrap Navbar
- Carousel / Slider
- Table
- Grid System- Responsive UI
- Latest Version Bootstrap Components
- and V4 vs V
- JS Basics history
- Introduction
- Features
- Why JS
- output possibilities
- variables identifiers
- ways to write js
- const, let
- var keywords
- data types
- JS operators Part 1
- Types – ES-6 Operators
- control statements – Conditional Statements- if
- if else
- nested
- Switch Statement
- Looping Statement – while
- do while
- looping statements
- for loop
- function intro
- return keyword
- Parameter
- Arguments
- arguments and rest parameters
- ways to write functions
- call back
- nested
- self invoked functions
- objects
- methods in objects
- nested objects and its methods
- Array intro
- ways to create Array
- Nested Array Object
- Looping in Array
- for in And for of
- Array method part 1
- Array method part 2 Advanced
- Strings
- string methods
- Events
- keyboard events
- form
- window events
- addEventListener Method”
- DOM And Its methods
- How dom works
- DOM property method part 2 And Its Properties querySelector querySelectorAll
- BOM And How BOM works
- Dialog Boxes- Alert
- Confirm, Prompt
- History
- Location
- navigation object and Properties
- Date
- math objects
- set interval
- set timeout
- Modern JS Advanced Guide Session
- Sync and Async
- Promises
- Async Await
- Array Destructuring
- Spread Operator
- How JS Works
React JS
- Introduction – React Features
- History
- Features
- React Project Setup – Local
- Command
- Environment Setup
- What Is Npm Babel
- Webpack And How it Works
- Execution Flow
- Angular Vs React difference
- Virtual dom,
- Ways to Rendering HTML What Is JSX and Features
- JS
- Integration
- Babel Working
- Components and Types Of Components
- State Object
- State Props Object and How It works And Events In React
- Ecommerce App Data Hide Show using State
- React Router DOM And Its Config and Setup
- Hooks Basics (Routing Hooks)
- Hooks In React
- useState
- useEffect
- useRef hooks implementation”
- useMemo
- useContext
- useCallback Hooks implementation
- useReducer
- Custom hooks
- Introduction Hooks
- Life Cycle method Mounting Phase
- Updating
- unmounting Phase additional
- What IS JSON and Its Methods
- Json server Setup
- API Calling
- Postman
- HTTP Methods
- React Form
- Formik Package And Form Validations
- Axios Package And CRUD Operation using Axios
- Data get and select part 1
- CRUD Operation using Axios
- Data Update and delete part 2
- Redux – State Management Library
- What Is Redux Toolkit And How Redux Works?
- JSON Intro. Json Data Types And their Examples
- Json Pares
- Json Object
- Json String
- Introduction To MongoDB
- MongoDB Vs SQL
- Setup Environment For MongoDB
- Mongo Shell
- Mongoosh,MongoDB Curd Operation
- Mongodb Comparision Operator And Logical Operator
- Aggregation pipeline And Their Commands
- MongoDB Sharding And Replication Whole Concept
- Mongodb Altas Cloud (Database-as-a- servies)
Node Js
- Introduction To Node Js
- Node Js Architecture
- NPM init || NPM || NPX || YARN
- Node js Modules
- Built in Module
- Custom Module
- External Modules
- Built In module- Process
- File System
- Http
- External Module- Nodemon
- Nodemailer
- Express, colours
- custom Module-Internal And Externa
- Import and export methods
- Express App
- Introduction To Express Js
- Creating A Server Using Express Js
- Express Routing And MiddleWare
- Error Status Codes And Their Uses
- HTTP methods
- MVC Architecture
- Promises
- Async And Await Functions
- JWT Token and bcrypt password hashing And Authentication
Other Important Topics:
- API and its curd Operations
- Rest Api Curd Operation
- Mongodb Populate and ref methods in Api
- Introduction to Socket
- Practice on the tools with drawing or example
Solid Editing tools:
- Solid Union, Subtract, Intersect
- Edge & Face Properties
- Interfere, Slice, Thicken
- Working with Visual styles
- Importing & Exporting, Print & Publish
- Working on models Space and layout Space
- Title Block (Nameplate/Template for Sheet)
- Change Space (Model to Layout)
- Multiple Choice Question Test & Tool Test (Optional){Take both tests as per free time on weekend}
- Final Submission
- Assignment 1
- Assignment 2
- + Certification
Once you master your chosen program at Yess Infotech, you’ll walk away with a valuable certification!
- + Why Yess Infotech
Why Choose Yess InfoTech?
Yess InfoTech offers a comprehensive approach to IT education and career development. Here’s why you should choose them:Optimal Learning Environment
Study Room: A dedicated space for focused learning.
Computer Equipped Lab: Hands-on practice with the latest technology.Expert Guidance
Experienced Trainers: Industry professionals sharing real-world knowledge.
Career Coach Sandip Sir: 8+ years of MNC experience providing valuable career guidance.
Personality Development Trainer: Enhancing soft skills essential for professional success.Comprehensive Support
Dedicated Placement Team: Assisting with job search and interview preparation.
Placement Record of 12 LPA: Demonstrating successful career outcomes.
Notes Availability: Additional resources for effective learning.
Recorded Sessions on Trechto App: Flexibility to review lessons at your convenience.
In essence, Yess InfoTech provides a holistic learning experience that equips students with the necessary technical skills, soft skills, and career support to excel in the IT industry.By combining a conducive learning environment, expert faculty, and a strong focus on career development, Yess InfoTech sets itself apart as a preferred choice for aspiring IT professionals.
Would you like to know more about a specific aspect of Yess InfoTech?
- + Trainer Profile
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- + What is Next
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